Blog Archives

How to Combat Ageism

While attitudes toward aging have improved, ageism remains a significant challenge. Often referred to as “the last acceptable prejudice,” ageism impacts older adults in various ways, but there’s a growing momentum to shift the narrative toward a more positive and inclusive view of aging. The Evolving Fight Against Ageism The term ageism was coined by […]

Living A Meaningful Life May Help You Age Well

Do your daily activities add meaning to your life? When researchers asked people over age 50 whether their day-to-day tasks were worthwhile, they found an interesting correlation. Individuals who rated their activities as the most worthwhile also had higher vitamin D in their bodies, walked nearly 20-percent faster, and were more likely to report sleeping well. […]

Seven Ways to Maximize Your Retirement

You have worked hard your entire professional career, making smart decisions, planning ahead and imagining your retirement. Now, the time has come to, in the words of Henry David Thoreau, “Live the life you’ve imagined.” As you step into this next phase of life and imagine your next chapter, here is a look at seven […]

Boost Brain Health in Seniors

While staying mentally active is key to boosting brain health, spending too much time in front of the TV may not be the best strategy for healthy aging. Watching five or more hours of TV daily is linked to a 44% higher risk of dementia, a 12% greater risk of stroke and a 28% increased […]

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer isn’t over just yet. Labor Day weekend is just around the corner. There is still plenty of sunshine, beach trips and fun to enjoy. These easy summer safety tips will help yo, and your loved ones, to stay safe as you enjoy all that this season has to offer– wherever you go or whatever you […]

How to Combat Negative Stereotypes About Aging?

Ageism has always existed to some degree in American society. With more than 76 million members of the baby boomer generation beginning to reach retirement age. However, the problem of negative stereotypes about aging has come into new focus. While most people respect the older adults they know, society at large maintains a negative attitude toward […]